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3 Reasons for Keeping Up With Your Waxing Regimen This Winter – Pure Concept Salon + Spa

3 Reasons for Keeping Up With Your Waxing Regimen This Winter

One of the best things about the winter season is that you can take a break from hair removal. This is especially true for those who remove their hair by shaving. But, if you’re someone that is into waxing, we recommend that you keep up with this hair removal routine in the winter season.

We know that waxing in the winter months might seem useless to you. After all, the fact is that you’re mostly covered during winters, so it doesn’t make much of a difference, right?

Well, we’re going to share with you a few reasons for keeping up with your waxing regimen this winter. Let’s begin.

1. Reduced Hair Growth

For those who wax regularly, they know that it’s good to avoid using the razor between waxes, especially during the summer. Guess what? It’s just as important to stay away from the razor in the winters. This is because when you’re waxing regularly, the hair is removed from the root, which weakens the hair follicle. This results in the removal of hair becoming easier. If you opt for a razor blade instead of wax in the winter, this can prove to be counterproductive. The moment you start waxing again, you’re going to experience a lot of discomfort. A lot.

2. Prevention of Ingrown Hair

One of the biggest issues with razor hair removal is the growth of ingrown hair. If you stick to waxing in the winter, the hair that regrows will be softer. It will also completely eliminate the chances of ingrown hair after the hair removal. Using a razor in winters is going to ruin all the hard work you do throughout the year for maintaining smooth and soft skin.

3. Healthier Skin

Speaking of maintaining smooth and soft skin, did you know that waxing in the winter season is actually good for your skin? Waxing in winters is actually going to reduce the damage that cold and dry winters do to your skin. When you wax, it exfoliates the dead cells, removing all the flaky and dry skin. It also encourages the growth of skin at a cellular level, keeping it smooth and fresh. In a nutshell, waxing can help to keep your skin healthy, moisturized and soft throughout the winter season.

The Bottom Line

The advantages of waxing in winters are pretty clear. Are you looking to keep up with your waxing regimen during the winter season? Good. The real question is: are you looking to get the best possible waxing job done? That’s where we come in. At Pure Concept Salon and Spa, we cater to all your hair care and waxing needs. Book an appointment with us now!

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